All images on this website and images linked to on this website are subject to copyright. This means that Plants & Pictures is the owner of the images and that they may not be used or published in any form without prior written permission.
Taking pictures and maintaining correct names in our database takes time and is an expression of creativity and knowledge. Therefore, we charge a fee for the use of our images. It is in fact a compensation for the work we do to be able to offer you the correct pictures.
Use of our pictures without written permission gives Plants & Pictures, according to this same copyright, the right to send you an invoice for this. Even if it is shown that pictures of Plants & Pictures have been used without permission, but are no longer used in the meantime, we will consider this an infringement of our copyright. In case of unlawful use of our pictures by employees and/or third parties, the employer/owner of the publication/website is liable for this.
This invoice that we will send in case of copyright infringement is composed of the normal rental amount per photo, increased by € 400,- per photo, per publication.